Showing posts with label routine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label routine. Show all posts

Monday, December 17, 2012

Week 8: Daily Routine & Habits

This week we will focus on habits.  Breaking bad ones and creating good ones.  First let’s identify the habits we want to keep in our daily routine:  going to bed early, drinking lots of water, and knocking out 5 cardio workouts each week.  What?  These are not your habits?  Now is a great time to begin making these your habits.  When I kicked off this 9 week fitness blog my goal was to engage you to check in weekly for a little motivation and a little direction.  I am here to help you reach your fitness, health & wellness goals.  Make it about the journey, focus on your goals and have faith.

Pick three bad habits and three good habits to focus your energy on this week.  Keep track of the number of times you act on these habits and write them in your fitness journal.  You will better understand your weaknesses and strengths so you can set new goals and reach new levels in 2013. 

Tips for week 8:
-         Pack fresh fruit &veggies to snack on throughout the day
-         Pack your running/walking shoes if you travel
-         Exercise while waiting.  (Kids at practice, car in the shop, etc.)
-         Go to bed early a few nights this week
-         Involve other family members and friends in your fitness plan
-         Drink LOTS of water

Keep up the great work!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 3: Stumble, Fumble...Keep on Going

Set backs and disappointments should be a part of your plan.  Not really, but you should be ready for them so they do not derail you from your course.  Sickness, busy schedules, too tired, poor food choices, overindulging, you name it and we have all been there.  The trick to overcome these set backs is to remember that they are just that, a little set back.  With the right mindset you can overcome these and reach your goals.
Hopefully you are on week 3 of working toward your health & wellness plan with me.  If you have not started or have had a set back take this week to evaluate your goals and get back on track.

Back to the Basics:  Eat fewer calories than you burn.  Set some realistic goals, reach them.  Set more goals.  Repeat!

Week 3 Fitness Plan:  1. Schedule 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous cardio exercise.  2. Incorporate 5 minutes each for your version of push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups.

Stay tuned for more tips and please feel free to reach out to me for a personalized plan or if you have any questions.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Rest Days | whether you want them or not

Since my last post I competed in the Lake Murray Dam Tri and began training for the Governor's Cup Half Marathon.  Work has been super crazy this past month and to top it off I have been battling a virus or possibly strep throat (my youngest tested positive for strep a few weeks ago and I always like to catch what the boys bring home).  It is amazing how quickly you can go from being in peak condition to feeling like you cannot get out of bed.  I still have a slight cough, but am finally beginning to get back to my training and yours!

I have not taken so many rest days in a while and actually believe they may have been good for me.  I am a cardio junkie so rest days usually consist of an "easy" workout instead of a normal or hard one.  So if there is one lesson to take away from this post, it is take your rest days.  Rest will help you perform better and stay healthy for your training days.  Another lesson if you are up for two...If you have had too many rest days due to sickness or a busy schedule, get back out there.  I realize it is hard, even for a cardio junkie, but once you get back on routine it comes back quick.

Now that I am back on the mend - please tune in for more posts.
Stay well & on course.

Coach Gibby