Sunday, November 25, 2012

Changing Things Up in Week 5

Hopefully you are wrapping up week 4 well rested and energized from Thanksgiving.  We will be focused on  embracing change and mixing up our routine this coming week.  I will share a great 9 minute HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training, circuit routine with you that you will want to incorporate into your weekly schedule.  We will also review several ways to help you from "getting bored" with your workout routine.

The OPT model creates a natural muscle confusion program which helps burn more fat and generates better results.  If you are board with your routine and want to discuss a custom plan please give me a call so we can schedule a time to review and create a new plan that will better help you reach your goals.

Here's to your Focus, Fitness & Faith

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! Eat & Be Active

I am thankful for you, my readers.  Today is a special day in our 9 week program.  Today's focus: Family & Food.

Enjoy all the great food and don't stress over a few extra calories.  While visiting with friends and family be active: take a walk, toss a ball, hike a trail, challenge your family to a soccer or football game in the yard.

We will get right back to our program tomorrow so enjoy the day.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 4: Sleep Does Your Body Good

The timing of this topic could not be better.  I am way behind on my sleep and can feel the effects.  My focus, creativity, and energy are low.  My stress and appetite are high.  I always struggle with getting 8 hours of sleep a night and usually shoot for 6 if I can squeeze that in.  Even though Thanksgiving is this week and the Holidays are just around the corner I am making an extra effort to get more sleep.   We all know how important sleep is, but do not make it a priority in our day.  I am challenging myself and you to get to bed 10 minutes earlier each night for the next 6 nights then hold that bed time so you can have an extra hour of sleep each day.

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Personal Fitness Plan

My personal October fitness plan was focused on increasing my running distance to prepare for the 40th anniversary Governor’s Cup half-marathon in Columbia, SC on November 3rd.  In 2010 I placed 3rd in my age group and I was able to finish 2nd last year so I set my goal to WIN my age group this year.  I aggressively worked on my interval training and continued to cross-train to help prevent injury.  On the morning of the race I was feeling good and took off at record pace.  It was my record pace for even a 1 mile run so I settled in on a better pace until the final mile.  I was confident no one in my age group was ahead of me and my mind was telling me to slow down.  I could barely hold my pace.  In the final 100 yards of the race I was passed by two guys and I was pretty sure neither looked my age so I held my pace.  Boy was I was wrong… I finished second in my age group again.  I was still very pleased as I set a personal record and although I got passed at the end, I gave it my all and did not have any reserves. 

I learned two important lessons from this race:  One, I must learn to pace myself better from the start and two I am not as young as I think I am.  That “older” guy who passed me was my exact age.

I am now creating a plan to reach a “stretch” goal in the Cold Winter’s Day 5k to beat my high school cross country PR and am helping my wife train for her first half-marathon in early 2013.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 3: Stumble, Fumble...Keep on Going

Set backs and disappointments should be a part of your plan.  Not really, but you should be ready for them so they do not derail you from your course.  Sickness, busy schedules, too tired, poor food choices, overindulging, you name it and we have all been there.  The trick to overcome these set backs is to remember that they are just that, a little set back.  With the right mindset you can overcome these and reach your goals.
Hopefully you are on week 3 of working toward your health & wellness plan with me.  If you have not started or have had a set back take this week to evaluate your goals and get back on track.

Back to the Basics:  Eat fewer calories than you burn.  Set some realistic goals, reach them.  Set more goals.  Repeat!

Week 3 Fitness Plan:  1. Schedule 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous cardio exercise.  2. Incorporate 5 minutes each for your version of push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups.

Stay tuned for more tips and please feel free to reach out to me for a personalized plan or if you have any questions.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week 2: Watch your Intake

I will keep this week’s message short and sweet.  The holidays are approaching quickly so let’s get ahead of them and focus on our diet.  If you have not already started tracking what you are eating and drinking do so this week.  Even if you think that you will not keep a food log for the long haul give it a go for a week or so.  It will help you identify where you can cut calories and where you are adding empty calories.  I am not a registered dietician nor certified in nutrition (at least not yet) so I will keep this to the basics and if you want more diet information please find someone who is licensed or certified near you to get more details on what is right for you.  My main goal today is to motivate you make the right food choices and reduce your calorie intake wisely.

Check out the link on side of page to the intake recommendations put together by the USDA.  There are recommended daily allowances with daily calorie estimates and some recommended foods to add to your diet.

Eat Smart, Stay Active & Have Fun!